Using Email Wrappers and Templates


Email Templates support Wrappers using both our drag-and-drop editor and our HTML editor.

Drag-and-Drop Editor

The drag-and-drop editor includes options to toggle each section as editable, deletable, or hideable. This feature allows you to create a template where certain sections, like the email footer, remain unchanged when an Email Template is used in the drag-and-drop editor. Email Templates using the drag-and-drop editor are copied into the Message Campaign upon creation. Any subsequent changes to the Email Template will not affect unsent email campaigns.

HTML Editor

The HTML editor for Email Templates supports both plain HTML and Email Wrappers. To use a template as an Email Wrapper, check the “Is Wrapper” checkbox in the HTML editor and include the {{body_content}} merge tag. The tags {{body_content}} and {{Body_Content}} are also supported.

When using the Email Template Wrapper in an Email Campaign, you can see which template is being edited in the Preview tab. You only need to provide the HTML to be merged into the {{body_content}} tag to update the Email Template Wrapper. This will affect an unsent Email Campaign only when it is loaded. Unlike drag-and-drop templates, Email Template Wrappers update each time you edit the Email Campaign. Once an Email Campaign is sent, the final HTML is locked, and any changes to the template will not affect the sent email campaign.

Using Merge Tags in a Template

You can use the standard merge tags in the templates to handle customization in the footer and/or header.


Example 1: Using an HTML Template as a Wrapper

You create an email campaign with an HTML Template as a Wrapper. After adding your content for the body, you realize you need to update the footer. You update the Email Template in the HTML editor and reopen the Email Campaign. The changes from the Email Wrapper are now reflected in your Email Campaign.

Example 2: Using the Drag-and-Drop Editor

You create an email campaign with the drag-and-drop editor. After adding your content for the body, you realize you need to update the footer. You update the Email Template, but the changes are not reflected in your Email Campaign. Due to the limitations of the drag-and-drop editor, you need to make the changes in both the current Email Campaign and the Email Template, or delete the current Email Campaign and start a new one.