Event RSVP Pages


RSVP forms are a great way to keep your audience engaged and track who is attending an event. Events can be either in person, or virtual events.

To enabled a RSVP form, click the Public Event checkbox when editing a form.

Anyone with the link has access to the Public Event.

Campaign Deputy will add one of our default templates for an RSVP form. Make sure to update this as the default template has a placeholder image. Your Logo, and Organization name will be populated automatically at the bottom. For our Political Committees the Paid For By is added for you and can be adjusted in Settings->Digital along with your logo and Footer colors.

Merge Tags

Each time the RSVP form loads, we will merge in the following fields as part of our Liquid Syntax

{{event_title}} – Public Event Title
{{event_location}} – Public Location
{{event_time}} – Public Time

We recommend using these which allows the Event and RSVP to stay synced.

Auto-fill Form Fields

If you are sending an email to a list of invitees, you can fill in their contact information to make it easier. We support filling in the following through Querystring Parameters ( ?firstname=Charlie)

firstname – Will fill in the First Name field
lastname – Will fill in the Last Name Field
email – Will fill in the Email Field
postalcode – Will fill in the Zip Code/Postal Code field
mobilenumber – Will fill in their Phone Number

We do not support auto-checking the FCC/CTIA Text Message Opt-In for compliance reasons. If you edit the form to enable the checkbox by default it is at your own risk.

Thank You Page, Redirects

You can edit the default thank you page

Special Buttons

The Share on Facebook, Share on Twitter, and Copy Link are special buttons that trigger custom code. If you do not want to use these buttons we recommend deleting them instead of changing the text or link as it will not behave as expected.