Email Deliverability - Low Open Rates


At Campaign Deputy, we understand that email deliverability is an essential aspect of any email marketing campaign. If you've noticed a drop in your open rates, it's likely that your emails are being delivered to spam or junk folders. Here are a few ways to improve your email deliverability and increase the chances that your emails will be delivered to the inbox:

  • Keep your email list clean: Make sure your email list is up to date and remove any invalid or inactive email addresses. This will help ensure that your emails are only being sent to engaged recipients.

  • Monitor your sending reputation: Keep an eye on your sending reputation by monitoring your bounce rate, complaint rate, and unsubscribe rate. If these rates are high, it's likely that your email deliverability will suffer.

  • Monitor your domain reputation. Tools like Google Postmaster help you identify if you have a high, medium, low, or bad domain reputation. You can access your domain reputation using our Email Dashboard report* (Available for some accounts)

  • Segment your email list: Segmenting your email list into groups of similar interests and behaviors can help to increase the relevance of your emails and improve the chances of them being delivered to the inbox.

Verizon Media Group (AOL, Yahoo, Verizon)

Verizon Media Group email addresses now expire after 1 year of inactivity by the email recipient. If a person does not log into their email account within a year, you may see bounces with these emails. At Campaign Deputy, we see lower engagement with Yahoo email address, especially if it's an email address that has not recently signed up for your list using a form.

Verizon Media Group does not provide a domain reputation score. They are one of the more strict email providers and we recommend to keep open days to a maximum of 90 days. After 90 days, only include Verizon Media Group emails in a re-engagement campaign twice a month at most.


Gmail provides a Domain Reputation score which helps to identify how your email reputation is going with your account. We recommend monitoring your reputation and changing your targeted audience if you notice it go to a Medium. At Low, we recommend you only target your most engaged gmail users until you return to a Medium or High status.

Corporate Email

Corporations will sometimes employ spam filters that are managed by their internal IT team. Campaign Deputy cannot make any guarantees to deliverability to this emails without double-opt-in verification. Corporate Email Spam Filters, like Proofpoint, can also block emails based on the links in an email. We have seen a decrease in opens from these systems when using links form online survey tools or some online contribution systems. We recommend you discuss email deliverability issues with their IT team as the policies are created by their team and any exceptions must be also created by their internal IT team.

Segmenting by Email Provider

You can exclude various domain names using a custom segment using the Email Domain filter. You can include or exclude a segment along with targeting multiple domain names. 

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your emails are delivered to the inbox and improve your open rates.  Remember, it's important to monitor your email deliverability on a regular basis and make adjustments as needed.