Message Center (Email)

Email Essentials
How to Create an Email Campaign
Learn how to create targeted email campaigns using the Message Center and reach specific audiences using Lists or Custom Segments. This tutorial will ...
DNS settings for your domain
To utilize various features of Campaign Deputy, you’ll need to set up DNS records for your domain. You can find these records in your email or within ...
DMARC Records for Email
A DMARC record instructs other email servers on how to handle your emails. Without DKIM/SPF configured for all email senders in your domain, adding a ...
What is a SPF/DKIM record?
To ensure the security and authenticity of emails, we need our users to add some DNS records to their domain. These records are known as SPF and DKIM....
Email Deliverability - Low Open Rates
At Campaign Deputy, we understand that email deliverability is an essential aspect of any email marketing campaign. If you've noticed a drop in your o...
Email Sending Limits
Each account is assigned an email sending limit. Most accounts start with a daily limit of 5,000-10,000 emails. This allows Campaign Deputy to verify ...
List Warm Up - Random Limit
To effectively warm up your email list, begin by utilizing the Random Limit function. Initiate the process by sending your first email to the entire l...
Scheduling Email Campaigns
With the ability to schedule emails, you can setup next week’s email campaign and put it on autopilot. If you have access to the message center, you c...
Email Merge Variables (Syntax Cheat Sheet)
The following fields are available for use in Email Campaigns. Autoresponses, Call Time and Pledge templates allow most of these fields and others spe...
Liquid Template Errors
Campaign Deputy will display error messages when attempting to parse and run a Liquid template. There are two types of errors that can occur with Liqu...
Setting Auto-Response Email Templates
Campaign Deputy has the following email templates available. If you have access to the Message Center, you can edit Templates in the Message Center us...
Form AutoResponder
When a user completes a form, an email can be automatically sent to them if they have provided an email address. Each form now has its own unique Auto...
Bulk Unsubscribing Emails
Prepare Your File: Create a file containing either a list of email addresses or a Person ID field. This is all that’s needed to successfully unsubscri...
Where are the Spam Reports counts?
Spam Reports are part of emails "Feedback Loop". Most providers send these feedback messages back to Campaign Deputy. Google has a non-traditional fee...
Email for Digital Teams (Advanced)
Using the HTML Editor in Message Center
Designed for advanced users, the HTML Editor allows for precise customization and enhanced functionality when creating emails. Whether you’re importin...
Unsubscribe, Bounce, and Checks Before Sending
Campaign Deputy makes various checks when sending out an email campaign. If you are using the Message Center Custom Segment option, that is ran first ...
A/B Testing Email Campaigns
Campaign Deputy supports A/B Testing for email campaigns. Each different email is referred to as a Variation or Variant, starting with Variant A. For ...
A/B Testing Sizes
You have two options for creating a test for email. For a single email, Random Limit is an easy to use option to see how the email works for your list...
Email Query Parameters
Campaign Deputy will automatically add extra query parameters to links in emails and other parts of the system. These are added to help various tracki...
Advanced Email Syntax
Our Email Template system is built on a variant of the Liquid syntax using  {{ }}  as the start and end of a syntax element. Using the Liquid Syntax ...
Tagging People using Link Actions
Note: This feature is only available within the HTML email editor or by manually adding link actions to a link. This method can be used with the HTML...
Source Code vs Origin Codes
If you are using Source Codes, you may have noticed them being applied to the Origin Code field. This is because Campaign Deputy automatically assigns...
How to Customize your Unsubscribe Footer with Merge Syntax
By default Campaign Deputy will automatically add an unsubscribe link to the bottom of all non-transactional emails. You may want to customize this me...
Using Email Wrappers and Templates
Email Templates support Wrappers using both our drag-and-drop editor and our HTML editor. The drag-and-drop editor includes options to toggle each sec...