Liquid Template Errors


Campaign Deputy will display error messages when attempting to parse and run a Liquid template. There are two types of errors that can occur with Liquid templates: parsing errors and runtime errors.

Parsing Errors

Parsing errors occur when the syntax of a Liquid template is incorrect. Common issues include missing quotation marks ("__") or unclosed braces ({{__}}). For example, {{name.first | empty "Friend}} will throw a syntax error because the quotation mark after “Friend” is missing. Some unclosed braces may not cause a parsing issue and will be rendered as text.

Runtime Errors

Runtime errors occur when using advanced custom logic with potentially null values. For instance, if calculating the last time a person donated, it’s necessary to first check if the person is a known donor to avoid a runtime error. When sending an email, Campaign Deputy checks four common profiles for these errors to help catch them before sending the campaign.

Note: This is why you might see some errors duplicated.