FEC Memo Entries


With the FEC, some entries are recorded as a Memo Item on the report. Memo Items do not impact any cash on hand calculation though may be required by FEC regulations.

Examples of Memo Entries

  • Earmarked Contributions

  • Credit Card Payments

  • Payroll

  • Re-attribution

Earmarked Contributions

To add an Earmarked Contribution, you can view the Contribution and using the Action menu click Add Itemization.

Itemizations can also be added using the Import process.

Some Integrations automatically add this Itemization either when the Contribution is added or at the time the report is generated.

Credit Card Payments/Payroll Itemizations

Disbursements also allow for Itemizations using the Action menu then the Add Itemization option.

Itemizations can be imported using the Import feature. The file will need to be in a specific format and we recommend importing an initial Disbursement Itemization first before to verify your file is in the correct format.