Automations Steps


Note: Automations is enabled by request. Some features are in beta as we're actively building upon the experience. Thank you for your patience.

Automations are accessible from the Digital Area. In the Automations Dashboard, users can:

  • Add a new Automation

  • Copy an existing Automation

  • Edit an Automation

Enabling an Automation

Automations are Enabled once the toggle slider has been flipped. Automations that are not enabled will not accept new contacts. Existing contacts will finish out the series unless the steps are deleted.

Steps Defined

When adding an Automation, users will be presented with a blank Automation to which users can add the following steps:

  • Delay - Delay the next step by a set number of minutes, hours or days.

  • Add to List - Add a person to a list.

  • Tag Action - Add or Remove a tag with this step.

  • Send Email - Send an Email.

  • Condition - Splits the path to a Yes/No Option users can configure using custom segments.

Editing Steps

Each step will include a History, Edit, and Delete function. Viewing a step's history will provide a list of contacts that have failed or succeeded to complete that step.

  • Editing a Delay will allow users to select a specific number of minutes, hours, or days to delay the following step. (Ex. If users set a Delay for 1 hour, contacts will stop at this step for an hour before proceeding to the following step.)

  • Editing the Add to List step will allow users to designate a list to add contacts to.

  • Editing the Tag Action will allow users to add or remove a tag from People who flow through this step. (Note: Tags that were previously added will not be duplicated with this step. I.e., if a contact has already been tagged something like, "District 6," then the tag will remain and they will not be re-tagged, "District 6")

  • Editing the Send an Email step will allow users to draft an email message from scratch or from a previously saved template to be sent to contacts that complete that step.

  • Editing the Conditional Split will allow users to select specific conditions using the Universe Search filter. People that meet the conditions will be filtered to the steps following 'Yes' and the remaining People will flow through 'No'.


  1. Allow Automation Restart - Automations will prevent the same contact/email address from re-entering an Automation by default. You can override this by allowing Automation Restarts. This will allow a contact/email address to go through the Automation more than once.

  2. Allow Concurrent Automations - Depending on what triggered the Automation, the email may go through the same steps at the same time if this option is enabled.

    • Example - Thanking a donor for a recent contribution - set this option to "No" so the same donor won't receive multiple emails on the same day. If you're tagging donors who gave over the limit you would want to set this to "yes" so that each donation the workflow runs each time.


See the Automations Triggers help article to learn more about how to trigger an Automation.